Do Not Keep Toys in Moist Places
Mold thrives in places with lots of moisture. You should never keep any of your baby’s toys in places with a lot of moisture, and make sure that toys that have been drooled on or come in contact with food particles are cleaned and dried immediately. Also, keep all baby toys in clean dry places when they are not in use, this is especially important for bath toys.
Clean Toys Regularly
Cleaning your baby’s toys at least once a week with a mild mixture of bleach and water can prevent the growth of mold. You should also clean the toy storage area with the same solution once a week. If you do find mold on any of your baby’s toys, make sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected toys.
And while you are keeping your baby safe and healthy, let The Maids Minneapolis, in St. Louis Park, Minnesota assist you with all your other house cleaning needs!