Have you ever considered fluorescent lighting or L.E.D. bulbs? Fluorescent lights consume a lot less energy than those old fashioned incandescent bulbs. L.E.D. lighting consumes even less energy than fluorescent lights and are growing in popularity.
Every single replaced incandescent bulb saves over 60% on running that light. This would especially come in handy if you have lights that are on all the time or close to it. Instead of using 60 watt bulbs; you could be using 13 watt bulbs, give or take a few watts. Aside from that, fluorescent bulbs have evolved with different color tone outputs, such as bright white, cool white, natural, or daylight.
L.E.D. (light emitting diode) bulbs have evolved over time as another alternative to incandescent bulbs. These bulbs save even more energy than fluorescent lamps. At the moment, there is not too many options or as much brightness or color tone as there is with fluorescent lamps. No matter, you can find L.E.D. bulbs taking shape as flood lamps, night lights, table lamp bulbs, and many other types of lighting.