How do you restore your leather furniture? The solution is easier than you might think—in fact, you likely have the perfect housekeeping remedy in your kitchen already: olive oil.
If you have some scratches and dings in your leather furniture, try this!
This trick basically involves oiling your leather, a technique that’s been around for a long time—only this time, you’re using the oil from your kitchen. The idea—and basic procedure—is the same, though.
Take a soft cloth and pour some of the olive oil on it, then work it into the leather. You can just focus on the worn spots, or you can oil the entire piece to create an even tone throughout.
Add oil as needed, and don’t be afraid to be a little generous with it!
Once you’ve oiled everything, take a paper towel (or a few!) and go back, buffing your furniture and removing excess oil with the paper towel. If the paper towel gets greasy, switch out for a fresh one and keep going until you’ve buffed the entire piece.
When you’re done, the scratches will be gone and the leather will look much healthier!
Do you have any tricks you use to keep your leather or other furniture looking good?