However, there is one that looks beautiful and is fairly simple in construction. This might be the perfect way to add a little water to your backyard!
What You Will Need: 2 flower pots in different sizes, 1 medium plastic flower pot, a pump (available at your local hardware store) a drill, and decorative rocks. Optional: a brick, large rock, or even a little cement.
Step #1: Drill a hole in the bottom of all of the flower pots so that they will line up when you stack them together.
Step #2: Feed the pump through the hole you’ve drilled on the bottom of the big pot. Invert the plastic pot and feed the pump up through the hole in the bottom of that one, as well.
Optional Step: For a sturdier fountain, use bricks, large rocks, or cement to surround the inverted plastic pot. This will secure the lower pots and prevent them from tipping or shifting easily.
Step #3: Add decorative rocks, surrounding the plastic pot in the middle and reaching all the way to the edge of the big pot.
Step #4: Feed the pump through the smaller pot and the pot down on top of the inverted plastic pot.
Step #5: Fill the little pot with decorative rocks, filling in around the pump and securing it in place.
Once you’ve finished that, you’re done. Add some water and turn the pump on to watch it work!